Using sys_get_temp_dir() in PHP < 5.2.1
I wanted to use the PHPExcel package on my Debian system running 5.2.0, however PHPExcel 1.7.1 requires the sys_get_temp_dir() function which doesn’t exist prior to PHP 5.2.1. Of course aside from updating PHP, we would need to replicate the functionality of sys_get_temp_dir(). This gem in the comments on the function provides a workaround.
if ( !function_exists('sys_get_temp_dir'))
function sys_get_temp_dir()
if( $temp=getenv('TMP') ) return $temp;
if( $temp=getenv('TEMP') ) return $temp;
if( $temp=getenv('TMPDIR') ) return $temp;
if (file_exists($temp))
return dirname($temp);
return null;