What’s the best tool to make a Timeline in jQuery?

December 28, 2012

This simple plugin helps you to give more life to the boring timelines. Supports horizontal and vertical layouts, and you can specify parameters for most attributes: speed, transparency, etc.

1. Include the jQuery library and this plugin:
2. Initialize with $().timelinr();
3. Configure the initialize function with parameters provided in the documentation
4. Set up html is the following syntax:

<div id="timeline">
   <ul id="dates">
      <li><a href="#">date1</a></li>
      <li><a href="#">date2</a></li>
   <ul id="issues">
      <li id="date1">
         <p>Lorem ipsum.</p>
      <li id="date2">
         <p>Lorem ipsum.</p>
   <a href="#" id="next">+</a> <!-- optional -->
   <a href="#" id="prev">-</a> <!-- optional -->

And the documentation also comes in Spanish, te diviertes!
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